Sunday, September 9, 2012

I'm Rubber - You're Glue

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Obama has the best joke writers in the nation giving him material – and he himself thinks his stump speech has some funny lines:

 Obama in his DNC Acceptance Speech for Round Two: Take two tax cuts, roll back some regulations, and call us in the morning!'"

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Mocking his opponents’ economic agenda, President Obama says Republicans are pushing tax cuts as the prescription to cure the ailing economy, “help you lose a few extra pounds,” and even “help your love life.”

The president unveiled the new quip Friday, but today he got a unique response as he kicked off his two-day campaign tour through Florida.

“It doesn’t help!” shouted a man of his lacking love life.

Obama, seemingly caught off guard by the joke, laughed in response. “You tried those tax cuts, huh?” he asked.


So in the spirit of that old childhood game “I’m Rubber – You’re glue – Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks right back on you”……

The Romney Team needs to deconstruct Obama’s stump speech and act like rubber – make it stick to him.

What Romney and Ryan need to say (I am not a professional joke writer - these ten quips just came off the top of my head - surely Romney and Ryan could do better)......

1.      Here’s what Obama is saying to you all:

Not feeling good about America’s economy? Take two take hikes for the fat cats and a dose of my EPA regulations and Obamacare mandates…..that’ll make you feel better.

2.      Here’s what Obama is saying to you all:
Not feeling good about America’s economy? Take this torch and burn down the mansions then here’s a lifetime of just enough food stamps and housing subsidies to keep you quiet.

3.      Here’s what Obama is saying to you all:
Not feeling good about America’s economy? Take two pictures of me giving speeches and hang this poster of me in your childhood bedroom.

4.      Here’s what Obama is saying to you all:
Not feeling good about America’s economy? Take two tokes of medical marijuana and sign up for free cigarettes for every time you vote in November.

5.      Here’s what Obama is saying to you all:
Not feeling good about America’s economy?  Take two take hikes for the rich and read this brochure on how to squeeze even more free money from the government.

6.      Here’s what Obama is saying to you all:
Not feeling good about America’s economy? Take two tax hikes on the rich and this increase in the capital gains tax that will give my kingdom even more money to redistribute to you via welfare dependency of many agencies.

7.      Here’s what Obama is saying to you all:
Not feeling good about America’s economy? Take two take hikes on the rich and this union card that will guarantee some of you a great job earning $9.50 an hour in a nursing home or a Las Vegas casino.

8.      Here’s what Obama is saying to you all:
Not feeling good about America’s economy? Take two tax hikes on the rich and this coupon for fifty dollars off a $40,000 Chevy Volt.

9.      Here’s what Obama is saying to you all:
Not feeling good about America’s economy? Take three tax hikes for the rich and this coupon for a free tour of one of my solar panel green energy companies that received stimulus money. Pay attention to expiration dates and venue changes for the tours.

10.   Here’s what Obama is saying to you all:
Not feeling good about America’s economy? Take three tax hikes for the rich and this playlist from my own personal Ipod.